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Wenzao TTE Certificate, A Guarantee of Quality

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages is the only higher education institute of languages in Taiwan. For more than half a century, Wenzao has cultivated a great number of talented people in every walk of life. Specializing in foreign language education, their outstanding achievements have been recognized by the general public. Since the founding of the school, Wenzao has persisted in using English as a medium for English education and dedicated herself to creating an effective English immersion learning environment. Accordingly, Wenzao has become a stronghold for English language education nationwide with her experienced teaching faculty taking a leading role in practicing teaching through English. In the light of the policy to develop Taiwan into a bilingual nation by 2030, Wenzao has pioneered the Accreditation for Teaching Through English (TTE Certificate) aimed at fostering more qualified English language teaching professionals in both elementary and secondary schools.


The accreditation procedure consists of a real-classroom teaching demonstration followed by an interview to clarify the applicants’ teaching practice, experience, beliefs, etc. The applicant will submit a lesson plan prior to the real-classroom teaching demonstration. A set of comprehensive criteria with more than eighty rubrics are adopted for the accreditation.  An official TTE Certificate (in both Chinese and English versions) issued by Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages will be granted to those who pass.

Target Students for the Real-classroom Teaching Demonstration

Target students for the Real-classroom Teaching Demonstration are elementary school students whose English Proficiency is ranked as CEFR A1-A2. Please refer to the link CEFR for more information.

Classroom Facilities for Teaching Demonstration

The air-conditioned classroom is equipped with a digital multimedia lectern, a blackboard, chalk, an overhead projector, a PowerPoint screen, a laser pointer, wireless microphones, loudspeakers, and internet access.